Our Approach

Connecting, Storytelling and Co-Creating

By setting aside our differences and growing our collective Salmon Love, we can create an abundant future for all Alaskans.


Our Work

We did our work in five ways:

  1. Connecting the many hundreds of individual Alaskans whose daily work, or personal actions ensure that our lives in Alaska will continue to be salmon lives.
  2. Gathering and sharing the stories of the deep and critical connections between salmon and the economies, communities and cultures of Alaskans.
  3. Building new and unusual relationships between Alaskans of different backgrounds through the shared value of salmon.
  4. Focusing the attention of media, policymakers, and individual Alaskans on the powerful, shared connection Alaskans have with wild salmon.
  5. Bringing Alaskans together to discover and co-create their visions for Alaska’s salmon future.

To build this future together, explore and share your own #salmonlife.
