The statewide movement to ensure a salmon-filled future for all Alaskans is now in your hands.

The Salmon Project was designed to facilitate a broad conversation among Alaskans to explore, assess, celebrate, and share our respective and varied connections to salmon. The vision was to help create a future where Alaskans are united in an:
- Awareness of the economic, environmental, social and cultural importance of salmon for ourselves and for all Alaskans, including those whose connection to salmon is different than our own.
- Understanding of the challenges facing Alaska’s wild salmon resource.
- Commitment to collective decisions and personal actions that will ensure future generations of Alaskans live with an abundance of wild salmon.
After seven years of talking with Alaskans and facilitating vibrant discussions among Alaskans, the Salmon Project itself has now entered its archival stage.
The legacy of the Project will continue to play out. The resources from our work remain available to Alaskans through our project archive. The new understandings and visions that were developed through our years working together will shape dialogue and decisions for man years to come.