Our experiments explored many powerful ways to shine a light on Alaskan Salmon Love. Each concept probed the place where salmon intersects with Alaskan values and ways of life and our connections with one another. These projects continue to shape the conversations, work and lives of Alaskans.
The Experiments
Salmon Life: Salmon Love
Our unprecedented story sharing project celebrates the faces and places of Alaskan Salmon Life from every corner of the state. These stories continue to come to life on the SalmonLife.org website.
Made of Salmon
Made of Salmon: Alaska Stories from The Salmon Project gathers dozens of renowned Alaska authors between two covers and is an inspiring and thought provoking collection of writing about the extraordinary connections we have to our salmon.
King of Fish Book Drop
The book drop distributed more than 1,300 copies of King of Fish: The Thousand-Year Run of Salmon, into communities across Alaska. Folks were asked to read it and pass it on. You can be part of this ongoing movement.
Partner Projects
SalmonWorld is an audio and visual storytelling experiment that explores salmon’s role in our environment, communities and cultures. A joint project by radio personality and naturalist Richard Nelson, and writer and filmmaker Liz McKenzie, you can find it at the SalmonWorld website.
Alaskans and Salmon: An Exhibit at the Anchorage Museum
Alaskans and Salmon is an exhibit designed by the Anchorage Museum and displayed from May 2019 to January 2020. The exhibit draws on photography, video, and narrative collected through The Salmon Project’s story-gathering initiatives. This exhibit explores the story of the contemporary link between Alaskans’ lives and the wild salmon resource.